Older People & Mental Health
Australia has an ageing population and like people of all ages, older people may experience a range of mental health challenges in their lives. There are specific life events and contributing factors that may impact an older person's mental health. These include retirement, grandparenthood, physical health issues, grief and loss, financial stress, cognitive issues, changing living arrangements and changing levels of independence and isolation.
The Older People and Mental Health course explores the common mental health challenges faced by older people, key risk factors, protective factors, the signs of symptoms of mental health challenges and the co-occurrence of mental health and other issues, including cognitive and physical health difficulties. The course will provide a range of practical tools and strategies for staff, supporters and carers to be able to support older people with their mental health.
The course will provide staff who work with older people and for people who have caring responsibilities for older people with a range of practical strategies.
This course will support participants to:
- Gain an understanding of ‘normal ageing’ and the impact of stigma
- Develop knowledge and understanding of mental health challenges and the ability to recognise these challenges in older people
- Build skills in raising and responding to mental health concerns in older people using a range of practical strategies
- Integrate their learning and increase confidence when caring for or working with older people with mental health challenges
Target Audience: For those workplaces that offer aged-care services and the general public who provide support services to older people.
This is a public event open to the whole community.
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