Debra Lampshire - Internationally recognised voice-hearer, teacher and advocate

Debra Lampshire is a trailblazer in New Zealand’s mental health sector, renowned for her advocacy and support for individuals experiencing auditory hallucinations. With three decades of experience in mental health care — 18 of which were spent in institutional settings — Debra has leveraged her own recovery journey to educate and advocate for others within national and international mental health services.
Masterclass Key Learnings/Outcomes
• Introduction to techniques that support the distressing aspects of voice hearing.
• Explore the rationale and effectiveness of a normalising approach to voice hearing.
• Experience the value of providing opportunities and environments in which people can talk openly and freely about their voice hearing experiences.
• Establish the advantage of reframing voice hearing as a stress response mechanism.
• Improved understanding of the benefits in exploring voices content.
• Recognition of the role that voices play in people’s lives.
Do not miss this unique opportunity to enhance skills and improve resilience and recovery for those who hear voices.
Recovery and Hearing Voices Masterclass Date and Time: Monday 7th October 2024, 9am - 3pm Location: Richmond Wellbeing, Cannington Audience: Professionals and peer workers supporting clients experiencing hearing voices, individuals who hear voices, their carers and families.
Working with People Who Experience Distressing Voices Masterclass Date and Time: Tuesday 8th October 2024, 9am - 3pm Location: Richmond Wellbeing, Cannington Audience: Psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health nurses, social workers, peer workers, occupational therapists, counsellors and mental health recovery and rehabilitation workers.
Reserve your place now to participate in open, meaningful discussions within a supportive environment.
Recognition of Attendance A certificate of attendance will be provided to attendees of each masterclass as a statement of CPD attendance, equivalent to 5 hours.
Masterclass Investment Individual Attendees NGO/NFP: $250 per ticket Corporate: $300 per ticket Concession: $150 per ticket
Group/Multiple Ticket Discounts 5 Tickets: $1,200
Scholarship Discount • In line with our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we welcome community members with lived experience of hearing voices to apply for our allotment of subsidised scholarship tickets. • Free
All proceeds will support the invaluable work of Richmond Wellbeing’s Hearing Voices Network.
This is a public event open to the whole community.
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