Reset & Rebalance Workshop with Dr Kat

Reset & Rebalance Workshop with Dr Kat

We’ve all had that feeling when it seems like our thoughts are spiraling out of control.

It can feel difficult to try and think our way out of these situations (hard as we may try), which is where terms like “shake it out” and “walk it off” come from. We start to move the body, to help calm the mind.

Join Dr Kat for a workshop where she discusses why it's often impossible for the logical mind to reason with the emotional brain, and how you can bypass this wall by tuning into your body.

She’ll teach you a range of different techniques from polyvagal theory, Traditional Chinese Medicine, neurophysiology, yoga postures & breath control to help you regulate your nervous system and stop those spiraling thought loops.

You’ll leave with the ability to create safety within, feel grounded again and reconnect with your inner sense of peace & calm.

This is a free event for up to 18 participants for Mental Health Week, but as places are limited, bookings are required via Humanatix.

Dr Kat from Soul Care Chiropractic, presents her Reset & Rebalance workshop on behalf of Busselton Community Safe Space at The Shed, October 11th at 6pm.

This is a public event open to the whole community.

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